p If you are looking for Ballerina guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Ballerina by Leona Naess using guitar or guitar. This song by Leona Naess can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Ballerina guitar chords has rhythm and included in Leona Naess (2003) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Ballerina by Leona Naess Guitar Chords/h3 C xxx010brF xx321xbrbrC1x F3x C FbrI'll never feel the weight of your handsbrInsi[C]de mine like[F] diamondsbr[C]Lace so fine[F] ballerinabrbrC x32010brF 133211br[ch]Fsus2/G[/ch] 3x301xbrAm x02210brEm/G 3x200xbrEm7 022030brDm7(no3) xx053xbrG/B x2000xbrCadd9 x3203xbrbr[C]Cupcake and my e[F]arthquakebr[C]Wakes me from my s[F]leep thatbr[C]Never comes are [F]you breathingbrC Dm7(no3)brWaiting for mebrbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brI didn't really want youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brBut I want you nowbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brWas so foolish of mebrTo feel you tumb[Am]ling downbrInto that empty[Em/G] roombrThe ligh[F]ts went outbrEm7 Dm7(no3)brI want to rescue want to scream out loudbrbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brI didn't think i needed youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brBut I need you nowbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brWas so empty in mebrTo feel you cra[Am]shing downbrInto the em[Em/G]pty worldbrThe mu[F]sic stopsbrEm7 Dm7(no3)brI want to rescue want to scream out loudbrC 2x G/B CbrYou will always be minebrbrF 3x C 1x FbrThe room spins. pull you from me My body burnsbr[C]Tell me of[F] the rainbowsbrThe [C]colors that[F] the rain throwsbr[Cadd9]Ballerina da[F]nce softlybrShe [C]knows when[F] to come onlybr[Cadd9]When she's call[F]ed I'm slowlybrC Dm7(no3)brComing tobrbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brI didn't really want youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brBut I need youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brWas so foolish of mebrFeel you tum[Am]bling downbrInto that emp[Em/G]ty worldbrThe li[F]ghts went outbrEm7 Dm7(no3)brI want to rescue want to scream out loudbrbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brI didn't think i needed youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brBut I need you nowbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brWas so empty in mebrTo feel you cra[Am]shing downbrInto that em[Em/G]pty worldbrThe mu[F]sic stopsbrEm7 Dm7(no3)brI want to rescue want to scream out loudbrC 2x G/B 2xbrYou will always be minebrbrBRIDGE(2:58)brbrbrprebre|-17--15--13--12---12--10--10-----8--0---------12-|brB|-17--17--15--13---12--10--10-----8--1------13----|brG|-17--16--14--12---12--10--10-----9--2---14-------|brD|------------------------------------3------------|brA|-------------------------------------------------|brE|------------------------------------1------------|br/prebrSo, so sor-ry Just come back for me nowbrbrbrprebre|-17--15--13--12---12--10--10-----8--0---------|brB|-17--17--15--13---12--10--10-----8--1------13-|brG|-17--16--14--12---12--10--10-----9--2---14----|brD|------------------------------------3---------|brA|----------------------------------------------|brE|------------------------------------1---------|br/prebrSo, so sor-ry Just come back to me nowbrbrbrprebre|-12---------------12-------------|brB|-13--10--10--10---13--10--10--10-|brG|-12--10--10--10---12--10--10--10-|brD|-----10--10--10-------10--10--10-|brA|---------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------|br-----12-----------------12------------------|br--15----15--13--10--15----15--13--10-10--10-|br----------------10----------------10-10--10-|br----------------10----------------0--0---0--|br--------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------|br/prebrbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brI didn't really want youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brBut I need youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brWas so foolish of mebrFeel you tum[Am]bling downbrInto that emp[Em/G]ty roombrThe li[F]ghts went outbrEm7 Dm7(no3)brI want to rescue want to scream out loudbrbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brI didn't think i needed youbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brBut I need you nowbrC [ch]Fsus2/G[/ch]brWas so empty in mebrFeel you tum[Am]bling downbrInto that emp[Em/G]ty roombrThe li[F]ghts went outbrEm7 Dm7(no3)brI want to rescue want to scream out loudbrC 2x G/B 2x CbrBut you will always be minebrbrI hope this chord chart/tab helps. Its not exact, but pretty close for those wishing tobrplay the piano piece on guitar. p If you want to learn Leona Naess Ballerina guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Ballerina. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p